Suu Kyi again became president of the main opposition party in Burma ( We will stand with you)
10th March 2013 at 14:19
Shan Burmese dissident Aung San Suu Kyi has defended its position at the head of the Burmese opposition.Sedmašedesátiletou Nobel Peace Prize laureate again elected opposition National League for Democracy at its very first Congress.
In the future, we can expect trouble. We must persevere and take the opportunity to reform our country. If we fail, will we go down in history as the ones who's to blame, said Suu Kyi after his election.
Her party, the National League for Democracy is preparing for parliamentary elections to be held every two years.
After the Burmese opposition won the last free elections in 1990, hit against her generals, who have raised the country's tough military regime.
Thanks to recent reforms is the leader of the Burmese opposition last year from the local Member of Parliament.
Burma in the transition to democracy needs according to Suu Kyi Czech experience
18th July 2012 at 5:05
Aung San Suu KyiPhoto: ČTK / AP Markus Schreiber
Czech experience with the transition to democracy is very useful for Burma, said after meeting with Czech Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg, Czech Radio human rights activist Aung Sang Suu Kyi. The former dissident, now sits in the Burmese Parliament and the country strives for political reform.
"You have always helped us greatly, and by letting us believe. Now we need your help to successfully gone through the process of political transformation, "said Radiožurnál Suu Kyi.
Burma is experiencing a transition from a totalitarian regime to democracy. Minister Schwarzenberg will meet today with President U Thein Sein country, former representative of the military regime, which now stands at the forefront of change.
"I'll tell you about the traps that exist, into which we have fallen of their time, and what Burma could be avoided," said Karel Schwarzenberg.